School Readiness Program

St Luke's School Readiness Program:

Our play-based curriculum has been designed to work hand in hand with our school readiness program. We actively promote the skills and attributes required for a smooth transition to primary school through our use of intentional teaching strategies and when we extend and encourage the children’s interests.

Research has proved that play based learning enhances children's academic and developmental learning outcomes. Children are intrinsically motivated to play and do so with joy and enthusiasm. Within our program, children can explore, investigate, discover, express, be creative and solve problems in a fun and interactive way! All vital skills that are essential for a successful primary school adventure!


In terms 3 and 4, our school leavers are encouraged to engage in more challenging investigations and activities. We put more emphasis on completing age appropriate tasks and learning experiences to further develop their concentration skills and their ability to follow directions.

The connection between memory development and active movement has been well documented so we deliberately spend time outside first thing in the morning engaging in lots of active gross motor play where the children are encouraged to lift, run, jump, swing and climb to ensure that their brain is ‘switched on’ and ready for a fun day of playing and learning!

The development of the self-help skills required in primary school are also more emphasised in term 3 and especially in term 4. We encourage the children to be able to open every packet in their lunch box, to place their belongings all the way in their bag, to write their name on all of their artwork and to be responsible for tidying up their equipment in the classroom before moving to another activity.

We also introduce and invite the children to take home a book from our lending library or complete our literacy bingo activities. This strengths the link between home and preschool and also provides a fun and interactive literacy activity that each school leaver can share at home with their Parents and Carers.

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How can you help prepare your child for primary school?

  • When arriving at preschool encourage your child to approach their teacher and say ‘hello’ and encourage them to say ‘goodbye’ when being picked up for an afternoon.

  • Standing back and letting them unpack their own school bag, perhaps you could even kiss and say goodbye at the classroom door if you feel they are ready?

  • Encourage them to pack their own school bag in the afternoon at pick up time (and at home in the mornings!).

  • Support us by encouraging them to tidy up their toys at preschool before going home of an afternoon (and tidying up their room/ toys at home as well!)

  • Make sure that they can open all the items in their lunch box.

  • Spend time reading together each night, this is great practice for the home readers they will receive in kindergarten.

  • Spend more time at your local park (assists with social skills, motor control and concentration).

  • Visit your local library.

Author - Nadine Crago (2019) Educational Leader

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